Maintenance manual

The purpose of the Maintenance manual is to outline the business processes by which we manage the maintenance of properties.

The department has responsibility for the maintenance of all properties owned by Homes Victoria, community-managed properties, movable units leased to clients and properties leased from private owners.

  • Property condition assessment

    A property condition assessment is completed to record the condition of a property at the start and end of each tenancy. This information describes the purpose of the assessment and how it's used by the department.

    Property condition assessment (word)

  • Vacant unit maintenance

    Vacant unit maintenance is carried out on all vacant public housing properties prior to letting them to approved applicants.

    This is managed by local offices and the duties include:

    • Inspecting vacant properties
    • Determining maintenance or repair works
    • Arranging for works to be completed within the required timelines
    • Determining payment for completed works and reletting properties to prospective tenants.

    Vacant unit maintenance (word)

  • Responsive maintenance

    The department is responsible for:

    • Carrying out day-to-day maintenance works for tenants
    • Arranging urgent and non-urgent maintenance works to be completed
    • Responding to complaints and disputes from contractors and tenants.

    Repairs are carried out on tenanted or vacant properties in response to requests to restore an amenity, or component to its working condition.

    Responsive maintenance (word)

  • Minor capital works

    Minor capital works involve an improvement in the condition of the property, or its amenities which extend the life or add value to the property.

    Minor capital works (word)

  • Property damage operational guidelines

    Public housing renters have a responsibility to comply with the provisions in the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 and the rental agreement that they have signed.

    Renters, their household members and their visitors are required to do their best to avoid damaging the rented premises and the common areas. Any breach of this responsibility may result in maintenance claims against the tenant (renter) (MCAT) for the current or vacated property.

    Property damage operational guidelines (word)

  • Fencing

    The department contributes to the maintenance or replacement of dividing fencing on public housing properties in accordance with the provisions of the Fences Act 1968.

    This information aims to ensure appropriate actions are taken in relation to all fencing requirements, including:

    • New construction or acquisition
    • Repair
    • Part or total replacement.

    Note: the Fencing Maintenance Guidelines are currently under review

  • Programmed works

    Programmed works are capital or larger scale works that improve, or extend the life of a property or amenity owned by Homes Victoria.

    Program works (word)

  • Introduction, reference and revision history

    This information lists references and revision history.

    Introduction, reference and revision history (word)

  • Home modifications in public housing during transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

    The guidelines have been developed by the department and are intended to provide advice to operational public housing staff and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The guidelines will be reviewed and updated as required during NDIS transition to reflect changes to home modification arrangements.

    These guidelines apply to:

    • NDIS participants living in public housing who require home modifications
    • NDIS participants who have been offered public housing and require disability modifications.

    Read more on the Home modifications in public housing during transition to the NDIS (Word)