Workforce training

Improving the learning and capabilities of staff from community-managed organisations will ultimately achieve more for people in need.

The Victorian Government has allocated $2.1 million over 3 years to develop an industry plan for the community-managed industry. Part of this plan is the development of a workforce strategy to improve the qualifications, skills and career paths of workers in the community-managed industry.

We fund and manage training to workers employed through the following programs:

  • Transitional housing managers
  • Registered community housing providers
  • Registered housing associations
  • Homelessness assistance services
  • Integrated family violence services
  • Social housing advocacy and support providers.

Office of Professional Practice

The office provides practice leadership, fosters continuous improvement in service delivery and drives practice excellence of health and human services professionals in Victoria. It is charged with enabling professionals to provide evidence based support and interventions with foremost regard for the safety and well-being of all clients. Our purpose is to promote and safeguard the rights, best interest and quality of life of vulnerable Victorians through practice leadership and development.

Consultation requests

The office accepts requests to review a case or provide case consultation support from client services, families, external review bodies, and senior departmental staff. Client services include disability services provided by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and by community service organisations and child protection.

Persons with a disability, a parent/guardian or an advocate can request a review of matters related to restrictive intervention or compulsory treatment by completing a case review request form.

Requests from professional oversight organisations such as: the Commission for Children and Young People; Disability Services Commissioner; Ombudsman’s office; and Office of Public Advocate should utilise the established mechanisms in place for referring client matters to the department.

All requests for case consultation or case review must be made by either emailing or calling the office on or phone on 03) 9096 8427.

Training by service area