Child, youth and family services training

The provision of high quality training is central to improving outcomes for people accessing community-managed services.

Accessing training

Find instructions on how to access a particular course in the following individual course descriptions.


In general, most workshops cost $38.50 (GST inclusive) per participant. In some instances, this fee may be higher subject to the type of course on offer.

Dedicated training events implemented to support new initiatives generally do not attract a fee for participants.

Reimbursement of training costs

To ensure rural based workers can access training in metropolitan areas, the department provides reimbursement for travel, accommodation and meals. Conditions apply and reimbursements are limited to workers employed in nominated department funded programs. In some circumstances, prior approval is required.

We require a tax invoice made payable to the Department of Health and Human Services to process these reimbursements. The new claim form can be used for this purpose, but must include agency ABN and an invoice number.

Agencies will need to complete the relevant claim forms when making claims.

Training courses

  • Family violence training

    Domestic Violence Resource Centre (DVRC) is funded by the department to offer a range of family violence specific workshops for the sector. If you are interested in attending, contact DVRC directly on 9486 9866.

  • Opening Doors training

    Opening Doors training has been designed for entry point workers located at local area service networks.

    Supervision training has also been designed in accordance with the Opening Doors framework, to further develop the skills of team leaders and managers.

    This training is being progressively delivered on a regional basis.

  • Family Violence Protection Act training

    For information, contact the Domestic Violence Resource Centre (DVRC) directly on 9486 9866.

  • Common risk assessment framework training

    Common risk assessment framework training is designed to suit a range of professionals according to their level of engagement with victims of family violence.

    The 2 levels of training are:

    • Preliminary risk assessment - 4 hour session for mainstream professionals such as housing and disability workers, child protection workers, legal practitioners, primary and mental health professionals
    • Risk assessment for specialist family violence workers - 1 day session for practitioners working in a family violence specialist service or role.

    For more information, see the Safe+Equal website.

  • eCRAF training

    The eCRAF training module provides core knowledge on the integrated family violence system, and how to identify and respond to a victim of family violence.

    This module is free and can be undertaken by a wide range of individuals and organisations to support induction, refresher training and professional development.

    For more information, see the Safe+Equal website.

  • Sharing Messages - Aboriginal Family Decision Making Program

    The Sharing Messages material is designed to assist in sharing messages about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Family Decision Making (AFDM) program involving:

    • Elders
    • Department Child Protection AFDM convenors
    • Community AFDM convenors
    • Child Protection workers
    • Families.

    The learning package contains a video/DVD ‘Sharing messages’, facilitator’s notes to accompany the video/DVD and session notes for Elders and joint sessions.

    One session is to be facilitated with Elders interested or currently involved in the program (a two-hour session) and another is designed for Elders, Community convenors and Child Protection convenors (a three-hour joint session).

    This material covers the key messages in relation to AFDM while also allowing for regional variation and local area information to be included.