Celebrating and promoting great practice

These good practice videos capture the voices of children and their families, together with child protection and family services practitioners as they described examples of good practice and positive outcomes.

Celebrating and sharing practice that makes a real difference to the lives of children and their families at risk, helps us recognise outstanding achievement and learn from when things go well.

We use varied approaches across the department to celebrate and share best practice. Recently we chose video to capture the voices of children and their families, together with child protection and family services practitioners as they described examples of good practice and positive outcomes.

In these videos practitioners reflect on their professional experiences working with vulnerable children and talk about what’s important to children at risk.

They say children want to be listened to and believed. They want to form strong, long-term relationships so they feel safe. They want practitioners to be there for them and do what they need.

The voice of the child is about listening, building trust and seeking stability for children at risk.

Employment and pathways making an impact

Listening to young people at secure welfare

The voice of the child

We asked practitioners to reflect on the importance of the voice of the child in their practice. This is what they told us.