Education Supports for Children in Care – referral process

Any person or organisation involved in a child or young person’s care can refer them to the program.

This includes:

  • carer
  • case manager or care team members
  • school
  • placement agency
  • Health and Education Assessment Coordinators

Child or young person

A child or young person can also refer themselves to the program. The child or young person should speak to their carer and/or the child/young person’s case manager before a referral is made.

Making a referral

Speak to the child or young person, their carer and case manager before you refer them to the program. This is to make sure that the:

  • child or young person is eligible
  • referral lines up with the child or young person’s short and long-term learning goals and contributes to their case plan
  • referral lines up with other educational services involved.

The child or young person will need to agree to attend the program.

The local Health and Education Assessment Coordinators and LOOKOUT centre will need to be copied in all referrals. The area service provider can give you their contact details.

Download and complete the Education Supports for Children in Care - Referral form (Word).

Next steps

Once you’ve submitted the referral form to the service provider, they will respond in 5 working days if:

  • referral is accepted or refused
  • more information is needed.

Each provider will have their own processes so they can manage program capacity.

If a referral is accepted, the service provider is required to set up a meeting with the young person’s school principal (or delegate), the young person, their carer, case manager and any other team members. LOOKOUT principals may attend on a case-by-case basis.

Risk of disengaging

Early intervention is important. You can refer a child or young person if they are attending school but at risk of becoming disengaged.

This includes if a child or young person is:

  • not attending school regularly
  • suspended or excluded from school
  • on a reduced timetable.

Referrers should consider in-school resources depending on the needs of the individual child or young person.


For more information about the Education Supports for Children in Care program, please email