Disability self help grants program - webinar Q&A

Questions and answers from the information session held on Tuesday, November 22, 2023.

[Please note all questions and answers have been de-identified and grouped by question type]


We are an auspice to four groups that run individually in different areas. Can each of these groups apply separately for this grant or would we need to share one application?

Each of these groups can lodge its own separate application and each group is potentially eligible for the maximum annual amount of funding (i.e., $7,000).

We are supportive of auspices supporting multiple groups, particularly if they cover different parts of the state or different cohorts, such as age, gender etc.

However, each group needs to lead its own application. The auspice cannot write one application covering all groups.

Groups that do not have an ABN can provide a completed Australian Taxation Office statement by a supplier form or be under an auspice with an organisation that has an ABN. What is an Australian Tax Office supplier form? 

The Statement by a Supplier form acts as a confirmation that no tax withholding is necessary.

An individual or a business that supplies goods or services can complete a Statement by a supplier form if one or more of the following applies:

  • they are not carrying on an enterprise in Australia
  • they are an individual under 18 years and the payment does not exceed $350 per week
  • the payment does not exceed $75, excluding any goods and services tax (GST)
  • the supply that the payment relates to is wholly input taxed
  • they are an individual, and a written statement is provided to the payer to the effect that the supply is either:
    • made in the course or furtherance of an activity done as a private recreational pursuit or hobby, or
    • wholly of a private or domestic nature
  • they are an individual or a partnership without a reasonable expectation of profit or gain
  • they are not entitled to an ABN because they are not carrying on an enterprise in Australia
  • the whole of the payment is exempt income.

Not expecting to make a profit or gain is the primary reason that self help groups can use this Statement by a Supplier form.

Can a small administration cost for the auspice be included in the application? 

For those groups who require an auspice, a small administration fee can be included in applications. 


Does the two-year funding mean $7,000 spread over two years or $7,000 per year for two years making $14,000?  

The maximum amount that can be applied for per year is $7,000. Over two years the maximum possible funding amount is $14,000.

The amount that a group may receive will be affected by the number of eligible funding components it has sought and overall program demand.

When can successful groups anticipate receiving the funds?

The program’s application guidelines state that the assessment process and awarding of the grant may take up to two months from the closing date (page 12).

At this stage we would anticipate that successful groups may receive the first grant payment in late February or early March 2024.

Groups may want to factor these timelines in, when creating the budget, and planning any activities.

Funding Use/s

Can the funding be used for promotional materials like show bags, things to go into show bags such as printed pens, notepads to give out at events to promote the groups?

Yes, it can. The application would need to demonstrate how the show bags or promotional material are providing information about the group or the disability or about disability more generally, and how it will increase membership of your group.

Can the grant funds be used for professional video sessions? Does it also cover administration costs and the web?

Video production costs can be applied for. Groups will need to demonstrate how peer support is being supported during the creation of a video. They also need to provide details such as where the video will be hosted once produced and what it will be used for (e.g. training, promotion, awareness raising etc).

Administration costs and costs associated with the web such as website development are covered under the grant program, if you can show that the video will help Victorians connect with your peer group.

If the organisation has a national base, can the funding be used to upgrade a webpage for the organisation whose main office is based in Victoria?

Yes. Groups who are based in Victoria with a national focus are eligible to apply to the program, and to apply for items such as webpage upgrades. Where a group has a national focus, they just need to give an estimate of how many Victorian members they have, and how these members will be supported by the planned project or initiative.

Can insurance or utilities be included in an application?

Yes. Insurance like public liability can be covered under the program. However, groups need to keep in mind the maximum amount that they can apply for. The cost of insurance might have an impact on other utilities or activities that the group wishes to have covered by the grant.

Will the grant cover speakers’ costs, and can this cover someone to undertake strategic planning?

Yes, the grant now covers speaker’s costs. It can also cover the cost of paying a professional to assist a group with strategic planning.

Can the funding be used to engage a facilitator to run a roundtable discussion to identify the top issues for our community in Victoria?

Yes, this would be seen as skills development and planning for the group.

Can a consultant be engaged to produce and deliver training or assist with governance?  

Yes, this is training and capacity building for the group. The application would need to detail the benefit to the group and its members, along with providing an overview of the skills and knowledge of consultant.

Wages are excluded under the guidelines. However, we wish to employ a support worker for three hours a month to facilitate a peer-led support network for young people with intellectual disabilities or who are autistic. Will these payments be considered as ‘wages?  

A request for funds of this kind would be supported because the worker is there to support the participants/members of the group to come together and participate in peer support.

The focus would be around how the support worker assists the group in making decisions and the planning of any activities.

Can we factor in the cost of volunteer appreciation? It is so important to retain these valuable people with acknowledgement on a regular basis, with small gifts etc.

Under the grant guidelines funds cannot be used to pay for gifts or vouchers.

We understand that volunteers play a critical and highly valued role in many community groups.

You may wish to consider other eligible ways of showing appreciation, such as events or get-togethers to show your appreciation to volunteers.

Self-Advocacy and Peer Support Groups

Are self-advocacy groups allowed to apply?

Self-advocacy groups are allowed to apply for funding. However, whatever they are applying for needs to have a focus on peer support. They need to demonstrate in the application that the activity or the funds that they are asking for will support an element of their work directly related to peer support.

Under the guidelines for this grant, does borderline personality disorder qualify as a disability?  

Yes, we welcome applications that provide peer supports for people with psychosocial disability.


One challenge with the online form is that you cannot look ahead at the application or print off the questions to plan what you need to include.

The form has been designed so that groups cannot submit an incomplete application.

A work-around that will allow you to move ahead in the form to view other sections is to type a single word into the mandatory questions.

Please remember to delete these when completing your application.

For future funding rounds we will investigate the possibility of being able to print off all the questions to assist groups in their planning.

Who can we phone for information about an application?

Groups can call the Office for Disability 1300 880 043 or email disabilityshg@dhhs.vic.gov.au