The child protection manual provides essential practice guidance for professionals who work with vulnerable children, young people and families in Victoria.
The manual reflects the legislative requirements of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 and is consistent with the latest research, knowledge and practice requirements for statutory child protection practice information in Victoria.
While child protection practitioners and contracted case managers are required to practice in a manner that is consistent with the manual, the manual is also an essential practice resource for other professionals. This includes staff that work in out-of-home care and youth justice.
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Features of the manual
- Policies and procedures have been separated from other information to make it easier to find critical practice tasks. In each procedure, tasks are listed according to role
- The new manual is housed on a purpose-built website and is mobile-friendly, so professionals can access the manual easily when out of the office
- Standards and requirements in the old manual are now mandatory tasks
- A new search tool and simplified navigation menu to help find information quickly and easily
- A glossary of acronyms and definitions.
Structure of the manual
- When looking for practice guidance, always start with ‘Policies and Procedures’
- If you need further guidance, information and context, follow-up with ‘Advice and Protocols’
- The best interests case practice model specialist practice resources are in ‘Our Approach’
- Supervision tools are located in ‘Our Workforce’.
If you need help with the manual or would like to know more, please email