Practice resources

The department's Office of Professional Practice produces specialist practice resources, including practice instructions and standards.

Here is the range of practice resources produced for disability workers.

Restrictive interventions

A disability service provider must follow rules to use restrictive interventions. These rules are in the Disability Act 2006. For more information, see Restrictive interventions

Rights and inclusion

Social inclusion is central to disability policy - the Australian federal and state governments are committed to take effective and appropriate measures to facilitate the full inclusion and participation of people with a disability in the community. For more information, see Rights and inclusion

Risk assessment

Risk is the chance of somebody getting hurt, being in danger, or doing something dangerous to other people. For more information, see Risk assessment


Trauma and attachment is a very important issue that impacts on many people with a disability. For more information, see Trauma


Research has demonstrated that on various dimensions of social inclusion outcomes for people with severe behaviours of concern can be improved with intensive, carefully executed planning and support. For more information, see Behaviours


Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Office of Professional Practice