Resources for Child Safe Standards

All Victorian organisations that provide services or facilities for children are required to comply with the Child Safe Standards.

Under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing is a sector regulator whose role is to promote, oversee and enforce the compliance of the Child Safe Standards for the organisations it regulates. 

The Human Services Regulator is responsible for operationalising the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing’s role as a sector regulator in relation to the Child Safe Standards. It has developed resources to help organisations to understand and comply with the requirements of the Child Safe Standards. 

For information on the Human Services Regulator’s approach to overseeing and enforce compliance with the Child Safe Standards, see the Compliance with Child Safe Standards webpage.

The Commission for Children and Young People also provide key guidance for organisations on the Standards, and has a range of resources available on the Commission for Children and Young People's website.